Last week we were delighted to be invited along to Murthly Primary School for a Q&A session about our car wash and about generally running a business.
The Primary 5,6 & 7 classes were learning all about business and entrepreneurship and were challenged by their teacher, Mrs Davis, to create their own “mini-business”.
One group of children decided to start up their very own car wash at school – hence why we were approached to speak to & inspire the children.
The name of the children’s car wash is “Splash ‘n Go” – what a superb name. So far, the team have generated over £60 from washing cars from the school during set hours – an excellent achievement.
Ian fielded all of the questions relating to the operational side of the business, such as the dos and don’ts of car washing, along with some hints and tips to ensure a great job is done, & Derek, fielded all the business-related questions – finance, marketing etc.
Mrs Davis, the class teacher said, “First of all, a huge, huge thank you to Derek and Ian for giving up your time to come and talk about your business with our class to help them with their Topic work. The class found it both enjoyable and helpful. They were very engaged and motivated by your visit – as I hope you saw from their enthusiastic questioning!
It was extremely useful for them to be able to link what we are doing in class to a real-life business – giving their learning relevance and giving them the opportunity to learn from those with experience in this field.”
One of the children from the Splash ‘n Go team also said, “Thank you so much for coming in to speak to us, it was so inspiring and helped us a ton.
It’s helped us think about our pricing and we have never had a car that’s had a scratch on it because of your little tips.”
We had a great time answering all of the questions the children had for us and we definitely have some competition on our hands with Splash ‘n Go – Keep up the great work team.